
Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Data Selection

1.    Downloaded the following:

qd24 – Quad index
cntbnd – County boundaries
cities_feb04 - Cities
publicland_sep10 – Public land
majrds_feb10 – Major roads
hy24p18 – Hydrologic pologons
hy24i18 – Hydrologic lines
gap_lcov18 – Land Cover
fnaiip_jun10 – Invasive plants

Flagler county

Quad #4411 (Bunnell)

2.    Made sure in ArcCatalog all files were using Albers projection, and reprojected all files originally in another coordinate system.
3.    Added cntbnd shapefile to map document in ArcMap.
4.    Using Attribute table, selected Flagler county in cntbnd shapefile, and added layer from selection.  Exported this layer to shapefile, and removed cntbnd.
5.    One by one, added all other layers.  After clipping them to just Flagler county, removed original layer.
6.    Created three data frames.
7.    Switched to layout view.
8.    Arranged data frames, and added applicable layers to each frame.
9.    Created legend, added title to map, added scale bar and text, added north arrow and prepared by/data source text.
10. Exported to JPG.

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