
Thursday, March 31, 2011

Isometric Maps

I had trouble tinting the areas between isolines, so I regretfully omitted this from my map.  

Monday, March 28, 2011

Vectors 2

1.          Loaded roads data layer into new map document in ArcMap.
2.          Displayed the ArcToolbox, and selected Buffer tool (Under Analysis -> Proximity)
3.          Performed a buffer on roads layer, with a linear distance of 300 meters, dissolving all buffer borders.
4.          Added water shapefile to map document.
5.          Added new field (long integer) to water attribute table: buffdist
6.          Used the field calculator to assign a value of 150 to lakes and 500 to rivers for buffdist field.
7.          Opened ArcToolbox again, and selected Buffer tool. Input feature: Water, Field: buffdist, Dissolve type: List, Dissolve field: buffdist
8.          Added attribute fields to water_buffer and road_buffer layers. (insd_wbuf and insd_rbuf)
9.          In ArcToolbox, selected overlay toolset (Under Analysis tools)
10.      Selected Union, with these parameters: Input layers: water_buffer, roads_buffer, Join Options: all.
11.      Opened attribute table for buffers_union layer, and selected records with a value of 1 in both insd_wbuf and insd_rbuf fields.  Exported these records to new shapefile (buffers_union_export).
12.      Used Multipart of Singlepart tool in ArcToolbox (Data Management -> Features) to make it possible to select individual features.
13.      Repeated steps 9-12 with a different overlay tool.
14.      Added conservation_areas layer to map document.
15.      Used an overlay tool to isolate the buffer areas outside of the conservation areas on the map, with output: possible_sites.
16.      Added new field to possible_sites attribute table for area.  Used calculate geometry function to calculate area of each site feature.

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Vector Analysis 1 process summary

1.    Opened lab7.mxd (Not the VectorAnalysis_1.mxd listed in the lab file, because this was the only file available for this lab on R: drive.)
2.    Using the Select by Location tool under the Selection menu, selected Pensacola land parcels within 2000 feet of a school, which are also within 1 mile of a hospital, not within 1 kilometer of a railroad, and are within 3000 feet of a cell tower.  This required changing the selection methods from “select features from” to “select features from selected features” to “remove from currently selected features” (for railroads) and back to “select features from selected features”.  The spatial selection method was “Target layer(s) features are within a distance of the Source layer feature.”
3.    Still using the Select by Location tool, selected features within Enterprise Zones from the features previously selected.  The spatial selection method was “Target layer(s) are within source layer features.”
4.    Changed the target layer in Search by Location to Superact_risk_features, and changed the source to selected features within the Pensacola parcels layer. There are 100 features selected in ArcMap after this step, NOT ONE.   It’s really frustrating to repeat queries four times because it isn’t clear there will be features selected on the Pensacola parcels layer AND on the risk features layer.
5.    Using the Select by Location tool, selected all parcels intersecting the flood_Zones polygon layer.  Then, using the Select by Attributes tool, selected only residential parcels within the flood zones.  Using the attribute table, and right clicking on the Market_value column heading, and choosing statistics, found the total market value of these parcels.
6.    Displayed layers under the Water group in the table of contents.  Right clicked on superact_risk_features and clicked on Join under Join and Relates menu. Joined Drainage points layer to this layer, giving all the points the value of the attributes of the polygon they fall inside of.  A new layer is created.
7.    Opened the attribute table for the new layer.  Right clicked on the heading Basin and selected Summarize.  Clicked ok on this new window.
8.    Output table was added to table to contents.  Opened this table to see list of basins with associated number of risk points for contamination.
9.    Repeated Join process for Superact_wells_esc and Superact_risk_features layers.  Looked at the output table for answer to Q6.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011


Process summary:

1.     Opened blank map in ArcMap, and added buildings and roads shapefiles.  Zoomed to full extent.
2.     Added uwf_n.jpg.  Displayed Georeferencing toolbar and clicked fit to display for this layer.
3.     Added control points scattered over the map.  Adjusted control points with RMS much higher than other control points.  Ended with RMS of 2.19 for a 1st order polynomial transformation.
4.     Added uwf_s1.jpg to map.  Used fit to display again.  Added control points, and finished with RMS of 0.32 for a 3rd order polynomial transformation.
5.     Hid black edges of uwf_s1.jpg.
6.     Created new (polygon) shapefile named Athletic_fields.  Went ahead and created shapefiles for (polygon) New_buildings and (polyline) New_roads too, because I wanted these elements to appear differently on my map from the rest of the roads and buildings.
7.     Displayed Editor toolbar to start editing.
8.     Digitized yellow athletic fields with line tool.
9.     Digitized green dot for the new campus building with circle tool.
10. Digitized the new road with white with freehand tool.
11. Clicked stop editing on Editor toolbar and Saved edits.
12. Switched to Layout view, added essential map elements and rearranged elements.