
Monday, March 28, 2011

Vectors 2

1.          Loaded roads data layer into new map document in ArcMap.
2.          Displayed the ArcToolbox, and selected Buffer tool (Under Analysis -> Proximity)
3.          Performed a buffer on roads layer, with a linear distance of 300 meters, dissolving all buffer borders.
4.          Added water shapefile to map document.
5.          Added new field (long integer) to water attribute table: buffdist
6.          Used the field calculator to assign a value of 150 to lakes and 500 to rivers for buffdist field.
7.          Opened ArcToolbox again, and selected Buffer tool. Input feature: Water, Field: buffdist, Dissolve type: List, Dissolve field: buffdist
8.          Added attribute fields to water_buffer and road_buffer layers. (insd_wbuf and insd_rbuf)
9.          In ArcToolbox, selected overlay toolset (Under Analysis tools)
10.      Selected Union, with these parameters: Input layers: water_buffer, roads_buffer, Join Options: all.
11.      Opened attribute table for buffers_union layer, and selected records with a value of 1 in both insd_wbuf and insd_rbuf fields.  Exported these records to new shapefile (buffers_union_export).
12.      Used Multipart of Singlepart tool in ArcToolbox (Data Management -> Features) to make it possible to select individual features.
13.      Repeated steps 9-12 with a different overlay tool.
14.      Added conservation_areas layer to map document.
15.      Used an overlay tool to isolate the buffer areas outside of the conservation areas on the map, with output: possible_sites.
16.      Added new field to possible_sites attribute table for area.  Used calculate geometry function to calculate area of each site feature.

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