Exercise 1: Creating a Project Database
1. Opened ArcCatalog, and looked through the data included in the Organize folder from LearnArcGIS10.exe.
2. Right clicked the Organize folder in ArcCatalog, clicked New -> File Geodatabase.
3. Replaced the default name for the geodatabase with Flood.gdb.
4. Checked environment settings.
a. Output Coordinates: Same as Input
b. Processing Extent: Default
c. Geodatabase Advanced: Output XY Domain is Same as Input
5. In Catalog tree, right clicked Flood.gdb. Import -> Feature Class (multiple)
6. Navigated through folders and added: CountyBoundary.shp, MajorRoads.shp, SB_Floodzones.shp, and CityLimits and Schools feature classes.
7. Right clicked Flood.gdb. Import -> Feature Class (single).
8. Added CensusBlocks.shp, and entered Demographics for the Output Feature Class name.
9. In the Field Map tree, deleted MALES (long), FEMALES (long), and MED_AGE (double) fields. Clicked to add the Demographics feature class to Flood.gdb.
10. Right clicked Flood.gdb. New -> Feature Dataset.
11. Named the dataset Municipal.
12. Imported coordinate system from Parcels feature class. Import -> Organize\City.gdb -> Parcels -> Add. Accepted default value for XY Tolerance.
13. Right clicked the Municipal feature dataset. Import -> Feature Class (multiple).
14. Added Parcels, landuse, and polygon feature class.
15. Right clicked Flood.gdb. New -> Feature Class.
16. Named new feature class Emergency. Alias: Emergency Facilities.
17. Specified geometry type as point feature class.
18. Imported coordinate system from FireDepts.shp.
19. Created attribute fields in new Emergency feature class to match the attribute fields of the data.
20. Right clicked Emergency. Load -> Load Data.
21. Added FireDepts.shp, Hospitals.shp, and PoliceDepts.shp.
22. “Load all of the source data” is selected.
23. Right clicked Flood.gdb. Import -> Table (single.) Added SchoolBuildings table.
24. In Catalog tree, expanded City.gdb. Right clicked PlaceNames and copied. Right clicked Flood.gdb, and pasted file.
25. Right clicked Flood.gdb. Import -> Raster Datasets. Added raster_aerial.tif.
26. Created thumbnails. Took screenshot of thumbnails for lab.
27. Closed ArcCatalog.
STEP 11b:
Exercise 2: Assess Fire Damage
1. Opened Assessement.mxd from LearnArcGIS10\Model\Fireassessment folder.
2. Set default geodatabase to Fire.gdb.
3. Geoprocessing menu -> Search for Tools -> buffer
4. Clicked on Buffer (Analysis)
a. Input Features: Creeks
b. Output Feature Class: Fire.gdb
c. Name: Creeks_Buffer
d. Distance: 200
e. Distance units: Meters
5. Creeks_Buffer layer appears.
6. Search for Tools -> clip
7. Parameters:
a. Input Features: Creeks_Buffer
b. Clip Features: FirePerimeter
c. Output Feature Class: Fire.gdb\Creeks_Buffer_Clip
8. Opened attribute table. Right clicked the Shape_Area field -> Statistics. Examined Sum under Statistics for the total area of burned riparian areas.
9. Geoprocessing Menu -> Intersect
10. Input features: FirePerimeter, and Vegetation. Named output FirePerimeter_Intersect.
11. FirePerimeter_Intersect layer is added to map.
12. Selection menu -> Select by Attributes.
13. In FirePerimeter_Intersect layer, BurnDay = 1 AND Type = Forest
14. Right click the SHAPE_Area field in FirePerimeter_Intersect attribute table. Statistics -> get SUM.
15. Repeat process for features burned on Day 2.
16. Layer Properties for FirePerimeter_Intersect -> Symbology tab -> Import
17. Choose Vegetation from drop-down box. Selected Type in the Value field.
18. Under Display tab in Layer Properties, entered 35 for transparency value.
19. Saved work, exited ArcMap.
STEP 9c:
Exercise 3: Build and Use a Simple Model
1. Opened Assessment2.mxd from Model\FireAssessment2 folder.
2. Displayed catalog window. Set the default geodatabase to Fire.gdb.
3. Scrolled down the tree and expanded Toolboxes. Right clicked My Toolboxes. New -> Toolbox. Name: FireTools.
4. Right clicked FireTools toolbox. New -> Model.
5. Model menu -> Model Properties.
6. Replaced text in Label field with Assessment. Added description to Description box.
7. Checked box next to “Store relative path names (instead of absolute paths)”.
8. Dragged Buffer tool into Model Builder window. Double clicked Buffer tool, and entered parameters
a. Input features: Creeks
b. Output feature class: Output1
c. Distance: Linear Unit =200 meters
9. Dragged Clip tool into Model Builder. Drew connecting arrow from Output1 element to Clip tool.
10. Double clicked the Clip tool. Entered parameters:
a. Input features: Output1
b. Clip features: FirePerimeter
c. Output feature class: Output1_Clip
11. Clicked AutoLayout button. Clicked the select tool and clicked in the white space in the Model Builder to deselect any elements.
12. Clicked the Run button. Dragged Output1 and Output1_Clip into map display area.
13. Saved and exited ArcMap.
Exercise 4: Work with an Existing Model
1. Opened Timber.mxd from Model\LeasesCD folder.
2. Turned on LeaseC and LeaseD layers, and zoomed to extent of StandsCD layer.
3. Made Tongass.gdb the default geodatabase.
4. Expanded the LeaseTools toolbox in the catalog window. Right clicked TimberCD model and chose Edit.
5. Reset paths to output elements in model.
6. Zoomed in on the last process in the model. Right clicked the final element and choose Add to Display. Double clicked the Clip tool, and changed the output feature class name to FinalC.
7. Ran the model. FinalC layer was added to map.
8. Returned to the model. Edited the final process by double clicking on the Clip tool. Changed Clip Features to LeaseD, and changed name of output feature class to FinalD.
9. Deleted disconnected LeaseC element from model. Clicked AutoLayout button.
10. Ran only the last process in the model. FinalD layer was added to map.
11. Selection menu -> Select by Attributes. In FinalC layer, selected features with N_Distance AND S_Distance = 0.
12. Opened FinalC attribute table. Clicked Show Selected Records button. Right clicked the StandValue field name -> Field Calculator.
13. In Field Calculator, entered expression:
a. [ValuePerMeter]*[Shape_Area]/1000000
14. Right clicked the StandValue field -> Statistics.
15. Repeated process for FinalD.
16. Opened model builder window again. Model menu -> Delete Intermediate Data.
17. Saved model, closed window. Saved map, closed ArcMap.
STEP 13:
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