
Tuesday, May 24, 2011


Earthquakes Part 1:
1.     Opened provided NewMadrid.mxd file in ArcMap.
2.     Turned on Quakes 5 layer.
3.     Turned on Urban Areas layer.
a.     Which major urban area is likely to suffer the most damage in this event?  Memphis, Tennessee
4.     Selected features likely to experience at least intensity VI-related damage.
a.     Select by Location -> Select features in Urban Areas layer that intersect features in New Madrid MMI layer. 91 features selected.
5.     Summarized DESCRIP field for selected features, and added to map as UrbanRisk table. Turned off Quakes 5 layer,
a.     How many urban centers would experience at least a VI level of intensity? 91
6.     Turned on Counties layer.
a.     Added field to attribute table to calculate Area Proportion. Field will represent persons per square meter.
b.     New field: Pop_Density, Type: double.
c.      Field Calculator -> [POP2001]/[Shape_Area]
7.     Overlaid population within MMI zones.
a.     ArcToolbox -> Analysis Tools -> Overlay toolset -> Intersect.
b.     Input features: Counties, New Madrid MMI
c.      Changed output feature class name to CountyMMI.
8.     Adjusted population totals to new areas.
a.     Added new Long Integer field (POP2001ADJ) to attribute table.
b.     Field Calculator -> [Pop_Density]*[Shape_Area]
9.     Summarized population within each of the MMI zones.
a.     Summarized MMI field
b.     Summary statistics: POP2001ADJ field by sum.
c.      Added resulting output table PopMMI to map.
d.     How many people live within the MMI zones? 60,099,857
e.     Created graph of people within each of the MMI zones.
10. Added new field to New Madrid MMI attribute table.
a.     Name: MMI_num, Type: Short Integer
b.     Populated field with numbers corresponding to the Roman numeral values in MMI field.
11. Turned on Interstates layer.
a.     Selected polygons with MMI value of 8 or higher, the intensities in which motor vehicle operation would be disturbed, according to the Modified Mercalli Scale.
b.     Extract toolbox -> Clip
c.      Clipped Interstates layer to selected features in New Madrid MMI.

d.     Output feature class: IstateRisk, added to map
e.     Renamed layer to Interstates at Risk, changed symbol to Highway with line width 1.
12. Turned on Rail layer
a.     Selected polygons on New Madrid MMI layer with MMI of 10 or greater, which are the intensities in which rails would be bent.
b.     Extract toolbox -> Clip
c.      Clipped Rail layer to selected features in New Madrid MMI.
d.     Output feature class: rrRisk, added to map
e.     Renamed layer to Railroads at Risk, changed symbol to railroad
13. Turned on Dams layer
a.     Selected polygons in New Madrid MMI layer that have MMI value greater than or equal to 8.
b.     Select by location -> Select features from Dams layer that are completely within the selected features of the New Madrid MMI layer.
c.      Created layer from selection, and changed name of layer to Dams at Risk.
14. Created deliverable map from output in Step 8 of lab/Step 12 in this process summary. 
15. Saved and closed file.

Earthquakes Part 2:
1.     Opened Northridge1.mxd in ArcMap.
2.     Checked to make sure Spatial Analyst extension was loaded.
a.     Customize Menu -> Extensions -> check Spatial Analyst box -> Close
3.     Turn on Building Status layer.
4.     Symbolized layer
a.     Properties dialog -> Symbology tab -> Categories -> Unique values à click  Add All Values
b.     Changed symbolization symbol to 1.00 point, and no outline.
c.      Under Advanced, chose Symbol Levels, and checked box to Draw This Layer using given symbol levels. Rearranged symbol levels.
5.     Create Building Damage Density map.
a.     ArcToolbox -> Spatial Analyst Toolbox -> Density -> Kernel Density
b.     Input point or polyline features: Building Status, Output raster: MyData\DmgPattern, Search Radius: 500, Population field: NONE, Output Cell Size: 100, Area Units: Sq. KM.
c.      Turned off Building Status and MMI layers.
d.     Under Color Selector properties for DmgPattern, checked box for Color is Null.
e.     Adjusted transparency to DmgPattern to 15%.
f.      Saved raster as layer file.  Added new file to map and removed original raster file.
g.     Renamed DmgPattern to Building Damage Density

6.     Turned on Geology layer.  Looked for correlation between damage concentration and rock unit. Turned off Geology layer.
7.     Turned on Liquefaction layer, and compared relationship between building damage pattern and liquefaction potential. Turned off Liquefaction layer.
8.     Turned on Stations layer to compare building damage to peak ground acceleration and peak ground velocity.
a.     For PGA:
                                               i.     ArcToolbox -> Spatial Analyst -> Interpolation Toolset -> Spline.
                                              ii.     Input point features: Stations, Z value field: PGA, Output raster: \MyData\PGA, Spline type: tension, Weight: 4, Points: 12, Output cell size: 100.
                                            iii.     Symbolized layer with 45% transparency and a yellow->red color ramp.
                                            iv.     Compare building damage pattern against PGA.
b.     For PGV:
                                               i.     Interpolated again, except used PGV for Z value field, and named output raster PGV.
                                              ii.     Symbolized layer with 45% transparency and yellow->red color ramp.
                                            iii.     Compared building damage pattern against PGV.
9.     Created deliverable for this portion of lab.
10. Saved file and exited ArcMap.

Earthquakes Part 3:
1.     Opened Northridge2.mxd in ArcMap
2.     File menu -> Add Data -> Add XY data -> Add NorthridgeAfter.csv file in data file.
a.     Lon is X field, Lat is Y field
b.     Spatial Reference Properties: WGS 1984.prj
c.      NorthridgeAfter.csv Events is added to map. Exported this data to NorthridgeAfter.shp in MyData folder. (Exported all features, in the same coordinate system as the data frame).
d.     Changed symbolization to a Dark Navy symbol, renamed layer to Northridge Aftershocks.
3.     Selected main shock. Created new layer from selection, and changed symbolization to a red triangle size 18 point.
4.     Cleared selection of main shock. Created new selection by attribute for all aftershocks of magnitude 3 or greater.
a.     Symbolized layer with graduated colors based on magnitude and a green->yellow->red color ramp.
b.     Only needed three classes.  Set number of decimal places to 1.
c.      Changed symbol levels to draw according to specified levels.
5.     Created deliverable for this portion of lab.
6.     Saved file and exited ArcMap.

Earthquakes Part 4:
1.     Opened Northridge2.mxd in ArcMap.
2.     Summarized aftershocks by magnitude over time.
a.     Earthquakes layer Attribute table à Summarized DaysAfter field, including maximum magnitude of aftershocks.
b.     Output table saved as Aftershocks.dbf, and added to map.
3.     Created and exported to JPG graphs of the amount of aftershocks.
a.     Aftershocks table -> Options menu -> Create Graph
                                               i.     Type: vertical bar, Layer/Table: Aftershocks, Value field: Count_DaysAfter, X field: None, Add to Legend: unchecked
4.     Created and exported to JPG graphs of the maximum magnitude of aftershocks.
a.     Aftershocks table -> Options menu -> Create Graph
                                               i.     Value field: Maximum_magnitude.
5.     Tried to create final map…had trouble with changing symbol drawing order.

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