
Wednesday, June 8, 2011


This is a basemap of Tuscaloosa County, Alabama,  showing roads and schools.

The tornado took a bisecting path across the county.  This map shows a 0.5 and 1 mile buffer around the tornado path, as well as schools and roads located within the buffer.

The recent Joplin, MO tornado occurred in Jasper County, MO.  This is a basemap of the area, showing major roads and the location of schools.

The tornado cut a path in the South-West corner of the county.  This map shows the schools and roads impacted by the tornado, both within the tornado path itself and within a 0.5 mile and 1 mile buffer of the path.

A Quicktime animation of tornados occurring on April 27, 2011 is located here.  The points on the map correspond to tornados reported at times throughout the day on April 27th.

The April 27th tornados can also be viewed on a map in Google Earth.  The KMZ file used for the map shown in this screenshot of the Google Earth application is located hereUnfortunately, just clicking on this link will probably not start the Google Earth application (if the application is loaded on your computer), and will instead give you a 404 error.  Sorry!

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