
Thursday, July 7, 2011

Local Government Lab

Deliverable 1: EIA Layers highlighting parcel #14580-000-00 from MCPA.
Deliverable 2: Base map of parcels and property owner data for surrounding parcels.
Deliverable 3: Map Book displaying zoning of parcels adjacent to parcel #14580-000-00.

Process Summary:
1.    Went to and searched for parcel 14580-000-00.
2.    Created a 1 mile buffer around this parcel to show all surrounding parcels within that 1 mile.
3.    Exported information to CSV.
4.    Added EIA Layers:
a.    Zuko Parcel
b.    Soils
c.     2009 1ft Aerial Imagery
d.    Water
e.    Topo USGS Elevation
f.      Streets
g.    Historical Lots
h.    County Zoning
5.    Saved image of map for deliverable 1.
6.    Created blank map and named ECD_Parcels.mxd.
7.    Added Parcels feature class from provided data geodatabase.
8.    Joined Parcels layer to CSV data downloaded in step 3. Output layer: Parcels_Join
9.    Selected parcel #14580-000-00, and exported to new layer Zuko_Parcel.
10. Selected by location all parcels that intersect the Zuko_Parcel.
11. Exported selection to new layer ADJ_Parcels.
12. Added Zoning layer from provided data geodatabase. Clipped zoning layer to ADJ_Parcels and added output layer Zoning_Clip to map.
13. Using Intersect tool, intersected Zoning_Clip with ADJ_Parcels, and added output layer Parcels_Zone to map.
14. Added short integer field MAPKEY to attribute table of Parcels_Zone. Used field calculator to number each record.
15. Created base map for deliverable 2.
16. Saved map document, and saved again as Zoning_DDP.
17. Under Cartography tools and Data Driven Pages in ArcToolbox, chose Grid Index Features. Input features: ADJ_Parcels, checked Use Page Unit and Scale: 12000, saved output as Index12000.
18. Selected Zoning (from Zoning layer) that intersects ADJ_Parcels. Exported to layer Zoning_Index, and symbolized.
19. Added parcels and streets layers and symbolized.
20. Created layout so data frame did not conflict with other map elements.
21. Turned on Data Driven tool bar. Selected Data Driven Page Setup.
22. Enabled Data Driven Pages. Index layer: Index12000. Extent: Center and Maintain Scale.
23. Inserted dynamic text to number all pages in document, and dynamic text for date saved and author.
24. Created locator map and symbolized.
25. Exported map book to PDF for deliverable 3.

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