
Thursday, July 14, 2011

Location Decisions

For this lab, we were asked help a set of retired grandparents choose a location in Alachua County, FL to move to so they could be closer to family.
They had several criteria about where they would want to live.  The grandparents wanted to live:
  • Close to family and their grandkids
  • Close to the North Florida Regional Medical Center (NFRMC)
  • Close to the University of Florida
  • In a neighborhood with a high percentage of people 65 years old and up
  • In a neighborhood with high home values
  • Close to bus routes
Based upon these criteria I generated these maps and a report for the grandparents.

This is a basemap of Alachua County, FL, with roads, census tracts, places and public lands indicated.

I created maps showing the physical location and distance surroundings of the landmarks important to this couple.

I also visually summarized house value and age census data by census tracts.

The tough part of this lab was creating overlays to combine data to determine which census tracts best met the grandparents criteria.

I summarized all my analysis in this report for the grandparents.

Process Summary

1.    Explored provided data.
2.    Created results folder and results geodatabase.
3.    Created blank map file ECD_Location1.mxd.
4.    Set Coordinate system in data frame properties to NAD_1983_UTM_Zone_17N (which doesn’t match provided data…?)
5.    Set environments.
a.    Workspace: Project2\data\location.gdb
b.    Scratch workspace: Project2\results\project2_results.gdb
c.     Output coordinate system: Same as display
d.    Extent: sel_tracts
e.    Raster Analysis Settings:
                                      i.     Cellsize: 300
                                    ii.     Mask: sel_tracts
6.    Added county, publand, places, sel_tracts, and roads layers.
7.    Symbolized and producted Deliverable 1.
8.    Saved map document as ECD_Location2.mxd
9.    Turned on Spatial Analyst extension.Added Hospitals layer.
10. Selected North Florida Regional Medical Center, and exported to new layer. Removed Hospitals layer.
11. Used Euclidean Distance tool in ArcToolbox.
a.    Cell size: 300
b.    Input: NFRMC
c.     Output: dist_hosp
12. Used Reclassify tool in ArcToolbox
a.    Input: dist_hosp
b.    Classification method: Defined interval
c.     Interval size 5000
d.    Output raster: reclass_hosp
13. Removed dist_hosp from map document.
14. Symbolized layer. Renamed data frame to Hospital Distance.
15. Added new data frame, named college distance.
16. Added schools layer.
17. Selected University of Florida, and exported to new layer. Removed schools layer.
18. Repeated Euclidean Distance and Reclassify steps for UF layer. Symbolized.
19. Created new data frame for Population Age 65+
20. Added float field to sel_tracts layer named perc_pop.
a.    Field Calculator: [AGE 65+]/[POP2000]*100
21. Symbolized by Quantities, and Graduated colors for this field.
22. Converted sel_tracts layer to raster.
a.    Feature to Raster tool in Arctoolbox.
b.    Input: sel_tracts
c.     Field: Percent
d.    Output raster: rightage
e.    Cell Size: 300
23. Used reclassify tool.
a.    Input: rightage
b.    Output: rec_rightage
24. Symbolized. Added UF and NFRMC points, and symbolized and labeled.
25. Added new data frame: Median House Value
26. Opened provided dt_dec_2000_sf3_u_data1 in Excel. Changed Geography Identifier column heading to STFID. Changed median value column heading to median_val. Deleted other columns.
27. Added spreadsheet file to ArcMap document.
28. Joined to sel_tracts.
29. Cleaned up data by removing rows with a value of “<null>” or 0 in the Median_val column.
30. Exported joined layer as median_val.
31. Used Feature to Raster tool on median_val, just like it was used to Age 65+ layer.
32. Created new data frames for Bus Routes, Distance from Grandkids, and Community centers. Added bus routes, tract #002206 and community center layers to respective data frames.
33. Repeated Euclidean Distance and Reclassify steps for these layers.
34. Created deliverable 2.
35. Opened blank map document. Saved as location 3.
36. Set coordinate system in data frame properties and set environments.
37. Added (6) reclassified layers created in the steps for deliverable 2.
38. Added layers into Model Builder. Added Weighted Overlay tool to model builder.
39. Made connections from layers to Weighted Overlay tool.
40. Set factors to these weights:
a.    NFRMC: 17%
b.    UF: 17%
c.     Median House Value: 17%
d.    Age 65+: 17%
e.    Bus Routes: 16%
f.      Distance from Grandkids: 16%
41. Reversed scale value to NFRMC, UF, Bus Routes, and Distance from Grandkids.
42. Added output raster to map.
43. Created second weighted overlay with these weights:
a.    NFRMC: 15%
b.    UF: 10%
c.     Median House Value: 20%
d.    Age 65+: 20%
e.    Bus Routes: 10%
f.      Distance from Grandkids: 25%
44. Reversed scale value to NFRMC, UF, Bus Routes, and Distance from Grandkids.
45. Added output raster to map.
46. Created deliverable 3 with these two overlays.

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