1. Opened World_Countries shapefile
2. Saved .mxd file under my initials
3. Opened attribute table, sorted ascending by country name.
4. Selected Dominican Republic, closed attribute table.
5. Zoomed out, deselected Dominican Republic, and selected island features by rectangle.
6. Opened attribute table, clicked on button to show selected features.
7. Cleared selected features.
8. Used Identify tool to click on Venezuela.
9. Used Find tool to find country of Andorra.
10. Used Find tool to find the country with the ISO_NUM of 833.
11. Used the Go to XY tool to zoom to 89 degrees West Longitude and 14 degrees North Latitude (El Salvador).
12. Selected the Measure tool and measured countries east to west length.
13. Zoomed to full extent, and added point layer Cities to ArcMap.
14. Changed the symbol for Cities to a black square, size 2.
15. Changed symbology controls for World_Countries. Fields: POP2007, number of classes: 7, and changed color ramp.
16. Changed background of map to blue.
17. Switched to layout view.
18. Changed page to landscape view to better fit data.
19. Inserted neat line, north arrow, legend, scale bar and scale text.
20. Changed labels on Legend.
21. Inserted my name and data source.
22. Exported map as JPG.
Good work this week!