
Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Own Your Map! exercise

Process summary:

  1. Downloaded OwnYourMap zip file from repository drive to own home drive.
  2. Opened OwnYourMap.mxd file in ArcMap, and saved copy under my initials.
  3. Changed page orientation to landscape because that fit the data better.
  4. Added a Neatline; I picked a double line, with a gap of 10.
  5. Fit data to page size.
  6. Added title ("Florida Cities," Arial font, size 46, shadowed with 1.000 x and y offset, character spacing of 20).
  7. Added legend, and renamed labels from filenames.
  8. Added North arrow and graphic scale (division units changed to miles, with 25 mile increments.)
  9. Added my name and date.
  10. Viewed catalog window for data sources, and added to map.
  11. Exported map as JPG.

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